The Quantum Light Lounge is a relaxing lounge room environment, set up with a 12 unit EESystem and comfortable recliner chairs. You are invited to sit quietly, relax and immerse yourself in the energy enhancement system (EESystem). A technology backed by scientific data and clinical trials (see scientific studies under “Research" tab). You may fall asleep or prefer to meditate.
No food to be consumed in the lounge (unless health issues require – such as Diabetics).
- Mobile phones to be placed on aeroplane mode.
- Maintain a quiet environment.
- You will notice monitors along both side of the room that display coloured lights and are embed and encoded with the Quantum software. Through curiosity you may want to watch these, however our recommendation is to close your eyes and block out external stimulus.
Sessions are booked in a room with comfortable chairs, where you can recline and relax. While there may be other individuals in the system with you, we encourage you to take the time to go inward and relax. Bring ear phones if you would like to listen to your own music. Dim lights (outside of the machines) and ambient music will set the tone to fully surrender and let go. People have said, "It feels like a mini retreat."
- Drink plenty of water.
- You may wish to bring an eye mask.
- Headphones to listen to your favourite music.
- Blanket and pillow for extra comfort (we have comfortable recliners and throws).
- Comfortable clothes to allow full relaxation.
People have commented that they are surprised how their brain clears and how deeply relaxed they feel within minutes. Afterwards, many people report feeling energized, improved sleep, and simply feeling “good” and ready to conquer their week.
- Drink Plenty of water.
- Have a detox bath or foot bath with sea salt and Bi-Carb soda.
This is a personal choice. Dr Sandra Rose Michael has recommends a minimum of 2 hour sessions and “more is better” (The effect is cumulative). It really depends on your time, budget and health goals. You may have several wellness goals to address, which may require more sessions. Please see our prices and packages, and feel welcome to have a confidential chat if you require support/assistance.
Quantum Light Lounge advises that results may vary. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Quantum Light Lounge does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional information expressed by Quantum light lounge are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical treatment. If you have a medical condition or health concern, please see your Doctor, health professional or specialist for advice.

Ph: 0411 859 112 (updated phone number)
Email: quantumlightlounge@gmail.com
Web: www.quantumlightlounge.com.au
Address: 16/88 Broadway, Nedlands WA 6009
(Broadway Fair Shopping Complex: Top Floor)
Copyright © 2022 Quantum Light Lounge
All Rights Reserved.